Suburban South Veterinary Hospital
Suburban South Veterinary Hospital

Current Job Openings

Our team is currently complete, check back in the future for open positions and be sure to send in your resume.


Positions typically found in a veterinary hospital include; Veterinary Assistant, Licensed Veterinary Technician and Receptionist.


What we offer

  • A friendly and motivated team
  • Continuing education opportunities


Interested? Submit your resume and cover letter to:

Suburban South Veterinary Hospital

Attention: Cindy, LVT

1230 French Rd

Depew, NY 14043


Suburban South Veterinary Hospital

1230 French Rd

Depew, NY 14043



(716) 668-0503


(716) 668-0943



Office Hours

Monday:        8am-5:30pm

Tuesday:       8am-5:30pm

Wednesday:   8am-5:30pm

Thursday:      8am-5:30pm

Friday:          8am-5:30pm


The first Thursday of every month we will close at NOON.



Tuesday and Thursday mornings are dedicated to surgical procedures.

To provide our time and attention to those patients, our phone lines will not open until 9:30 am. 


* Due to staffing and scheduling we are NOT doing house calls anymore.






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© Suburban South Veterinary Hospital