Suburban South Veterinary Hospital
Suburban South Veterinary Hospital




Please click the green box above to go directly to our online store.



 You can now purchase take home medications, prescription foods, and heartworm/flea preventatives online! In a few easy steps your products can be shipped right to your doorstep.


Follow the link to create an account for our pet, choose the medication you need and upon veterinarian approval it will be shipped directly to you without the hassle of driving.


Please keep these tips in mind:

  • Your pet must have been seen within the year to be eligible for medications.
  • Heartworm testing must be done once yearly even when consistently using preventatives. If you miss a month, retest your pet before restarting medications to ensure your pet's safety.
  • Thyroid and phenobarb levels must be checked once yearly to ensure proper dosing and control of your pet's condition.
  • Medications not previously dispensed cannot be approved without a proper diagnosis; we must see our pet to ensure proper treatment.
  • Order medications in advance; it may take a few days to approve and ship your order.


If you have any questions regarding your pet or which medication you need, please call and inquire (716) 668-0503.



Looking to order your pets Purina food and have it shipped conveniently right to your door? We can help! click on our Vet Direct link to sign up and earn rewards while doing it!

<a target="_blank" href=""><img width="225px" style="border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;" src=""></a>




Suburban South Veterinary Hospital

1230 French Rd

Depew, NY 14043



(716) 668-0503


(716) 668-0943



Office Hours

Monday:        8am-5:30pm

Tuesday:       8am-5:30pm

Wednesday:   8am-5:30pm

Thursday:      8am-5:30pm

Friday:          8am-5:30pm


The first Thursday of every month we will close at NOON.



Tuesday and Thursday mornings are dedicated to surgical procedures.

To provide our time and attention to those patients, our phone lines will not open until 9:30 am. 


* Due to staffing and scheduling we are NOT doing house calls anymore.






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© Suburban South Veterinary Hospital